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Falcon, Kestrel & Owl

Falcon, Kestrel & Owl

Getting to grips with Key Stage 2

Year 3 is the start of Key Stage 2 in the National Curriculum. We continue to learn about lots of different subjects through a thematic approach.


Age Group:7-8Age Group:7-8Age Group:7-8

Mr Nicholas


Mrs Griffin


Mrs Favre

Mrs Paton

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Brandrick

Mrs Warwick

Teaching Assistants:

Miss Goadsby

Mrs Hamlyn

Teaching Assistants:Mrs Clinton


Year 3 went up the road to Charterhouse for their residential. The children had a brilliant time and got to take part in activities such as archery, low ropes and even rocket making! If they weren't already tired enough, we were treated to a lovely walk across the Mendips before we tucked ourselves in for the night.


Mr Hynam was very proud of how the children tackled every challenge head on and worked fantastically as a team. The staff at Charterhouse even stated that Cheddar First School had the best manners of any group she had ever had before! Well done Year 3s!

When in Rome...

A Roman Soldier came to visit Year 3 and 4 this week. The children asked lots of questions and found out the names of all his equipment and weapons in Latin. They also had the opportunity to march with him in unison. Thank you Lucius!

Inspire - Kestrel Class

Art in Kestrel Class

Lego Wedo

Finding and Understanding 100 by Counting in 10s
